The R script below corresponds to the Pmodel version used in Wang et al. Nature Plants (2017) paper. The script includes four sections: (1) specifying the values of two parameters in Pmodel; (2) defining the used functions such as calculating air pressure in the unit of Pascal as a function of elevation; (3) reading the input data of temperature, elevation, photosynthetic photon flux density, vapor pressure deficit, fractional absorbed photosynthetic active radiation and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Here using the standard values as example; (4) the Pmodel code for estimating GPP from inputs data
The R software ( is required to run the script.
## 1. parameterization
# the ratio of cost factor b to a at reference temperature
beta <- 240
# the cost factor of maintaining Jmax
c <- 0.41
## 2. define functions
# calculate air pressure in Pa
calc_patm <- function( elv ){
# Input: - elevation, m (elv)
# Output: - float, atmospheric pressure at elevation 'elv', Pa (patm)
# Features: Returns the atmospheric pressure as a function of elevation
# and standard atmosphere (1013.25 hPa)
# Depends: - connect_sql
# - flux_to_grid
# - get_data_point
# - get_msvidx
# Ref: Allen et al. (1998)
# Define constants:
kPo <- 101325 # standard atmosphere, Pa (Allen, 1973)
kTo <- 298.15 # base temperature, K (Prentice, unpublished)
kL <- 0.0065 # temperature lapse rate, K/m (Allen, 1973)
kG <- 9.80665 # gravitational acceleration, m/s^2 (Allen, 1973)
kR <- 8.3143 # universal gas constant, J/mol/K (Allen, 1973)
kMa <- 0.028963 # molecular weight of dry air, kg/mol (Tsilingiris, 2008)
# Convert elevation to pressure, Pa:
patm <- kPo*(1.0 - kL*elv/kTo)**(kG*kMa/(kR*kL))
return (patm)
# calculate K (MM coefficient of Rubisco) in Pa
calc_k <- function(temp, patm) {
# Input: - float, air temperature, deg C (temp)
# - float, atmospheric pressure, Pa (patm)
# Output: float, Pa (mmk)
# Features: Returns the temperature & pressure dependent Michaelis-Menten
# coefficient, K (Pa).
# Ref: Bernacchi et al. (2001), Improved temperature response
# functions for models of Rubisco-limited photosynthesis,
# Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 253--259.
# Define constants
kc25 <- 39.97 # Pa, assuming 25 deg C & 98.716 kPa
ko25 <- 2.748e4 # Pa, assuming 25 deg C & 98.716 kPa
dhac <- 79430 # J/mol
dhao <- 36380 # J/mol
kR <- 8.3145 # J/mol/K
kco <- 2.09476e5 # ppm, US Standard Atmosphere
vc <- kc25*exp(dhac*(temp - 25.0)/(298.15*kR*(temp + 273.15)))
vo <- ko25*exp(dhao*(temp - 25.0)/(298.15*kR*(temp + 273.15)))
k <- vc*(1 + kco*(1e-6)*patm/vo)
# calculate Gstar (CO2 compensation point) in Pa
calc_gstar_gepisat <- function( temp ) {
# Input: float, air temperature, degrees C (tc)
# Output: float, gamma-star, Pa (gs)
# Features: Returns the temperature-dependent photorespiratory
# compensation point, Gamma star (Pascals), based on constants
# derived from Bernacchi et al. (2001) study.
# Ref: Bernacchi et al. (2001), Improved temperature response
# functions for models of Rubisco-limited photosynthesis,
# Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 253--259.
# Define constants
gs25 <- 4.220 # Pa, assuming 25 deg C & 98.716 kPa)
dha <- 37830 # J/mol
kR <- 8.3145 # J/mol/K
gs <- gs25 * exp( dha * ( temp - 25.0 ) / ( 298.15 * kR * ( temp + 273.15 ) ) )
return( gs )
# conver CO2 from ppm to Pa
co2_to_ca <- function( co2, patm ){
# Input: - float, annual atm. CO2, ppm (co2)
# - float, monthly atm. pressure, Pa (patm)
# Output: - ca in units of Pa
# Features: Converts ca (ambient CO2) from ppm to Pa.
ca <- ( 1.e-6 ) * co2 * patm # Pa, atms. CO2
return( ca )
## 3. read monthly input data
## (replace this with your input data)
## daily/weekly/monthly/annual
# example of driving forces at the standard conditions
Tc.deg_C <- 25 # temperature in degreeC
elv.m <- 0 # elevation in meter
PPFD.mol_m2 <- 1000 # PAR in mol photon m-2 month-1
VPD.kPa <- 1 # vapour pressure deficit in kPa
fAPAR <- 1 # factional absored PAR
CO2.ppm <- 400 # ppm
## 4. running Pmodel at daily/weekly/monthly/annual step
# instrinsic quantum yield, based on Cozettle et al.1998, unit: g C/ mol photon
phi0 <- 0.085 # mol C/ mol photon
maxQE <- phi0*12
# light use efficiency
K <- calc_k(Tc.deg_C,calc_patm(elv.m))
Gstar <- calc_gstar_gepisat(Tc.deg_C)
f1 <- exp(-0.0227*(Tc.deg_C-25)) # the viscosity of water relative to its value at 25˚C
pa <- co2_to_ca(CO2.ppm,calc_patm(elv.m))
m <- (pa - Gstar)/(pa + 2*Gstar + 3*Gstar*sqrt(1.6*VPD.kPa*1000*f1/(K + Gstar)/(beta)))
M <- m*sqrt(1-(c/m)^(2/3))
LUE <- M*maxQE
Iabs <- fAPAR*PPFD.mol_m2
GPP <- LUE*Iabs
Contributed by Han Wang