Research Responses of ecosystem water use efficiency to water supply condition in Tibetan Plateau lpicea2021-06-302021-06-30 Fig: Definition and influencin...
Activity Communication News The LPICEA Tiger Team’s Second Virtual Workshop lpicea2021-06-292021-06-29 In the past two weeks, LPICEA ...
Research Congratulations to Huiying on her first peer-review paper! lpicea2021-06-182021-06-18 Recently, Huiying and her coau...
Idea Life support system: The future of ecology lpicea2021-06-152021-06-15 Started with the survival prob...
Discussion Research Estimating land-surface evapotranspiration derived from the P model lpicea2021-06-152021-06-15 Evapotranspiration (ET) is a c...
Discussion Research Understand the thermal response of carbon use efficiency from respiration acclimation lpicea2021-06-122021-06-21 Carbon use efficiency (CUE), d...
Adoption of the Pmodel as a useful tool to analyze plant photosynthesis levels on the Tibetan Plateau